Mittwoch, 6. November 2013

November 5th - GUY FAWKES DAY!

Remember, remember the fifth of November!

Guy Fawkes was one of the members who planned the failed gunpwoder Plot of 1605, in which a group of Catholics attempted to destroy the Houses of Parliament and kill James I, the then King of England.

But who was Guy Fawkes? Guy Fawkes was born in Stonegate, York on April 13th, 1570. His father was called Edward and his mother was called Edith.

Why is he famous for? Fawkes is famous because he tried to destroy the government building, the Houses of Parliament in the hope of killing King James I, because the government was treating Roman Catholics unfairly. These men which would kill James I, were called plotters. One night these men put barrels with a lot of gunpowder in the basement of the government building. But some of the plotters were worried that some of their friends get caught in the explosion, so one man wrote a letter to warn them not to be there that day. But Lord Monteagle obtained the letter with the Warning and showed the letter to King James I. After this Fawkes jumped immediately before his execution from a scaffold where he was hanged and broke his neck.

This is the story why the English people celebrating the Guy Fawkes day every year on the fifth of November.
