Sonntag, 30. November 2014

The story of Thanksgiving

Hi everybody!

The other day I was watching a video on YouTube and it talks about “The story of Thanksgiving”

“The story of Thanksgiving”

In 1620 British Pilgrim Fathers from Plymouth reached the USA. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean with a big sailing ship and arrived on the east coast. First the Pilgrim Fathers built wooden houses because they arrived in autumn nearly winter and searched for food, but they didn’t find a lot. The first winter in the new world was very cold and snowy and they had little to eat. In spring the Pilgrim Fathers try to growth something, so they dig holes, but they weren’t experienced farmers. So they Indians helped them out to growth food. They plant potatoes, corn and other vegetables. After a good harvest the invited the Indians and celebrated together the good harvest.

This is the story of Thanksgiving. I thought you might be interested too because Thanksgiving is a very important celebrating in the US and the UK.

Hope you like my new blog entry and enjoy your week.



Dienstag, 25. November 2014


Hi everybody!

The other day in our English lesson, we spoke about Entertainment and the positive and negative things of being famous.

I think being famous is not just only a wonderful and exciting life, because if you are famous you are very busy and you haven’t got much time for your family and friends. And you also have to behave mannered in public all time. But the other side of being famous is, if you are famous you would most probably be rich and you could buy everything you want. And this is the reason why lots of people want to be prominent, because of the money.

We also have been given in our English lesson the lyric of the song “Entertainment” by Rise Against, which also talks about being famous and standing in the spotlight.

What do you think about being famous? Please write your personally mind in the comments.
Hope you like my new blog entry and enjoy your week



Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014

Fat-free and happy

Hi everybody!

Yesterday I was reading an article in the online edition of the Spotlight and it talks about a French journalist which went to America and describes the differences about America and Europe.

I thought you might be interested, too because there are a lot of interesting Clichés about the Americans, for examples

·         In New England people wear striped tennis sweaters and sit on the porches of wooden houses.
·         Americans have a worse education than people from Europe
·         Americans have no culture
·         In America everything is bigger; the shopping malls, the women, the glasses of Coca-Cola and the portions of ice-cream

It also says, that the businesswomen wear sneakers and white tights with elegant dresses when they walk to work. And American men wear long shorts to the beach.

But there aren’t Clichés about Americans, the Americans have also Clichés about the people live in Europe, such as those that French people are arrogant or Germany is a barbaric country.

What do you think about this topic, please let me know and use the comment button!


Donnerstag, 25. September 2014

Independence of Scotland

Hi everybody!

Yesterday I read an article about the referendum, if Scotland get independent or they will stay by Great Britain. My decision, if I was Scottish: I would have voted against getting independent, because there are some disadvantages. For examples if they are getting independent, they are no longer be a member of the EU and so they have to set a new request if they could enter in the European Union. A second important aspect is, that they have to get their own currency and so maybe they get financial problems. So I think it is better to stay.

What do you think about this topic? Please write your personally mind in the comments.

Hope you like my new blog entry and enjoy your week



Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2014

Boy Tales of Childhood

Hi everybody!

Last week in our English lesson I represented a book, which I read. So today I will write about my book report.

The book which I read was Boy Tales of Childhood. It is written by Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl was a British novelist, short story writer, poet, fighter pilot and screenwriter. He was born in Wales on the 13. September 1916. His short stories are known for their unexpected endings and his children's books for their unsentimental, often very dark humour. It is an Autobiography about Roald Dahl's life from birth until leaving school. He describes his funniest and exiting stories of his life and how his childhood experiences led him to a writing career. The book plays in the 20th century and most of the time in a little village called Llandaff in Norway.

I have summarized my two favourite stories of the book

The first story is the 'Great mouse plot of 1924'

From the age of seven, Roald attended Llandaff Cathedral School in Cardiff. And one day Roald and his friends found at the back of the classroom a little hole, so they decided that this hole would be their secret hiding place for sweets and other small treasures. Every afternoon, when the last lesson was over, the boys looked at the hole. One day when they watched the hole, like all other days, there was a dead mouse in it. So the boys predominated what they could do with the dead mouse. After few minutes the boys considered that they put the mouse in one of the buckets from the sweetshop, in which the old, terrible Mrs Pratchett works. At the way home from school Roald and his friends put the mouse in one of the buckets without seeing by someone. Then they run out of the sweetshop and had a lot of fun.

The second story is 'Mrs Pratchett’s revenge'

One day after the mouse plot, at school, their form master came into the classroom with a piece of paper in his hand. On this paper there were written the names of the boys including Roald and they had to go to the Headmaster’s room. So Roald and his friends stood up and left the room. At the Headmaster’s room there was waiting a terrible surprise for the boys. Mrs Pratchett was sitting next to the Headmaster. So Roald and his friends had to tell the whole story of the mouse plot. So as retribution they were hit with a cane on the lower legs.

Boy Tales of Childhood is a really funny and amusing book. It is also easy to read and I can recommend it immediately.

When you have also read the book, please give me a short comment how you like the book.
Hope you like my posting and enjoy your week.


Montag, 28. April 2014

Hi everybody!

Last week in our in English lesson, we spoke about tourism and a holiday job. There are a lot of jobs which could be done in the holidays. For example: a dance instructor, a receptionist, barkeeper, a tour guide, to work in a warehouse or as a child counsellor at a summer camp. My favourites all of them are to work as a child counsellor at a summer camp or as a barkeeper. Because when you work as a child counsellor you are in the nature and it could be a lot of fun with the kids. And when your work as a barkeeper you can work at night in a disco and maybe you get some gratuity.

Hope you like my new blog entry and enjoy your week



Sonntag, 30. März 2014

Joane - our new english assistant!

Hi everyone!

Last week in our english lesson our class had a nice visit and this was Joane. Joane will be our new English assistant for the next time, because our first English assistant Elise, went home and so Joane came to us. She is 20 years old and from Scotland and studies languages, German and Spanish. Joane also told us about her family and a lot of facts about Scotland, for examples: Ben Navis is the highest mountain in Scotland with 1300 meters, I think it isn’t really high, because here in Austria the highest mountain is about 3800 meters high. Also she told us 1 % of Scottish people speak Gaelic. And the inhabitants of Scotland are about 5 million people.

What interested me most is, that in Scotland the highest mountain is only 1300 meters high.

Hope you like my posting and enjoy your week.



Sonntag, 2. Februar 2014

Dress Codes & Fashion Competition

Hi everybody!

The last day we were talking about dress codes and fashion competitions at school. And I thought you might be interested because this is a very important topic. And now I would like to give you my opinion on that topic.

The school which I visit there are no fashion competitions. Everybody wears the clothes he or she wants to wear and nobody laughs at him or her. Maybe in other schools there are fashion competitions and the pupils want always to wear the most stylish and latest fashion. But in our school we do not have such a fashion competition.

In my school we do not have to wear school uniforms and I think this is good so you can wear whatever you want. But wearing school uniforms can also be a good thing because, it helps the parents to save much money and it takes less time to get ready in the morning and school intruders are more easily identified in a school of uniformed children. Those are some good things which argue to a school uniform.

So at the end I would be interested in your own opinion and what do you think about dress codes and fashion competitions?



Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2014

Hi erverybody!

Today I am writing about "my supermarket", in which I buy normally something. At school, we were talking about the supermarket and the tricks which the owners of the supermarkets use, that the customers buy more and more. First, the supermarket in which I buy normally something is called Billa. When you enter the store first, you can see fruits and vegetables. The fruits and vegetables are positioned near the entrance because they look so colourful and fresh and so maybe you will buy some. Then a few steps away there is the bakery, where you can buy some rolls and four or five kinds of bread. And when you come to the cash desk you find some sweets, magazines and newspapers and maybe you will buy even there some. And all the things in the supermarket are so positioned that you as a customer buy as much as you can, and these are only some tricks which the supermarket owners use.

I thought you might be interested because, I think many of you have been bought something in a supermarket you didn't really need.
