Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014

Fat-free and happy

Hi everybody!

Yesterday I was reading an article in the online edition of the Spotlight and it talks about a French journalist which went to America and describes the differences about America and Europe.

I thought you might be interested, too because there are a lot of interesting Clichés about the Americans, for examples

·         In New England people wear striped tennis sweaters and sit on the porches of wooden houses.
·         Americans have a worse education than people from Europe
·         Americans have no culture
·         In America everything is bigger; the shopping malls, the women, the glasses of Coca-Cola and the portions of ice-cream

It also says, that the businesswomen wear sneakers and white tights with elegant dresses when they walk to work. And American men wear long shorts to the beach.

But there aren’t Clichés about Americans, the Americans have also Clichés about the people live in Europe, such as those that French people are arrogant or Germany is a barbaric country.

What do you think about this topic, please let me know and use the comment button!
