Donnerstag, 16. März 2017

Who would you rather work for?

I am Jakob Burian and I was reading an article in the “Guardian” and it talks about that women are more suited to management positions than men.

I am writing this letter because my opinion slightly differs.

Basically what it says is, that women are more efficient, trustworthy and have a better understanding of their workforce. In the article is also mentioned a survey of 1000 male and female managers which resulted that a majority of those questioned believed women had a more modern outlook on their profession and were more open minded and considerate.

It might be true that many woman are trustworthy and make good bosses, but I think, that not all woman are suitable for a position as a top manager.

What shocked me most was the sentence stated from Rufus Olins, “If men want to be successful at work they must behave more like woman”. I disagree with this sentence because many important man in the history did not behave like woman and still were successful and had important influence on our world. So I personally think that man can be good bosses as well.

But at the end of the day, every person is different and in my opinion it doesn’t matter if the boss is female or male, important is how the boss himself or herself deals with certain situations and treats his or her workforce. 

What do you think about this article? Please write your personally mind in the comments.

