Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

Hi everybody!

Today in our English lesson we spoke about flims, cinema, theatre and other entertainment. And I thought you might be interested. So today I will write about of one of my favourite films.

One of my favourite films is the Fast and the Furious part 5 and it is an action movie. Paul Walker and Vin Diesel are starring in it. What is it about? There are several films of the Fast and the Furious, but most the acts are that the actors steal money and cars and there is really a lot of action in the films. And in the end the main actors get a lot of money and all are happy.

I like films with a lot of action and explosions. So I can say that the Fast and the Furious films are really good films. And the critics said that too and the films got very good reviews.


Sonntag, 1. Dezember 2013

Hi everybody!

I was reading an article the other day in the internet and it talks about Thanksgiving and Black Friday. And i thougt you might be interested, because I didn't knew anything about Black Friday and I was really shocked about this day.


 Basically what it says is that thanksgiving is an annual holiday on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. On this day, they celebrate the harvest of the past year. It is traditional that families and friends get together and have a great meal, mostly with a big turkey and pumpkin pie. Thanksgiving Day parades are held in some cities and towns on or around Thanksgiving Day.

It originated in the autumn of 1621 when Plymouth governor William Bradford invited neighbouring Indians to join the Pilgrims for a three-day festival of recreation and feasting in gratitude for the bounty of the season.

Black Friday:

Black Friday is the following Friday after Thanksgiving Day often regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. On this day many shops have high percentage and a few shops open at midnight that the people can go shopping. It is really a busy shopping day.


Mittwoch, 6. November 2013

November 5th - GUY FAWKES DAY!

Remember, remember the fifth of November!

Guy Fawkes was one of the members who planned the failed gunpwoder Plot of 1605, in which a group of Catholics attempted to destroy the Houses of Parliament and kill James I, the then King of England.

But who was Guy Fawkes? Guy Fawkes was born in Stonegate, York on April 13th, 1570. His father was called Edward and his mother was called Edith.

Why is he famous for? Fawkes is famous because he tried to destroy the government building, the Houses of Parliament in the hope of killing King James I, because the government was treating Roman Catholics unfairly. These men which would kill James I, were called plotters. One night these men put barrels with a lot of gunpowder in the basement of the government building. But some of the plotters were worried that some of their friends get caught in the explosion, so one man wrote a letter to warn them not to be there that day. But Lord Monteagle obtained the letter with the Warning and showed the letter to King James I. After this Fawkes jumped immediately before his execution from a scaffold where he was hanged and broke his neck.

This is the story why the English people celebrating the Guy Fawkes day every year on the fifth of November.


Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013

Hi everybody!

Today a nice girl came to our school and told us some information about her life, the university which she visits and so on.
Her name was Elise and she came from Basingstoke, a town which is about 30 minutes away from London. Elise came to Austria because she visits the Oxford University, she is in the third year of studies, and the students have to stay a few months in another country.
For examples what she told, that students which visit the Oxford University they have to pay 10.000 pounds, I think 10.000 pounds are really, really, really a lot of money. So many students have to take out loan, but the government do not give them money until they have a job.
And Elise told us before you pass the final exam you are an “undergraduate”, and then when you pass the last exam you get “bombed” with food like meat, fish, eggs or baked beans. I thought that must be an awful thing, but she said that’s traditional.

That’s some things which Elise told us. And today this was a really interesting and funny English lesson.


Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013

Neighbours from hell!

Hi everybody, I was watching a video the other day on You Tube and it was about neighbours from hell.

Basically what it says is that a man terrorises his neighbour all time. He threw rocks in the car windows and eggs on the house wall, but these are the not so terrible things he did. The most terrible thing he had done was, that he drove with his pickup past the neighbour’s garden and sprayed a mystery liquid out of the window on the lawn. And after some days the grass died suddenly and never came back.

I thought you might be interested because it was a quite shocking story which is really awful.

When I saw the video on YouTube I was actually shocked. And I'm truly glad that I have so friendly neighbours.

Sonntag, 22. September 2013

Hi everybody!

Today I will write about my last summer holidays.
My summer holidays were really nice. My family and I made a Mediterranean cruise.
Venice, Ankona, Dubrovnik, Korfu, Gythion, Kefalonia, Kotor this are the locations which we looked at.
All locations are quiet fine, but my favourites are Venice and Dubrovnik, because in Venice you can buy so many beautiful things especially souvenir and clothes. And in Dubrovnik there are so many nice beaches, so it is the perfect place to go swimming or make a short boat tour and the city of Dubrovnik is also very nice.
This was our fourth Mediterranean cruise and I think it was the best cruise we have ever had, because the locations were really fine and we cruised with a very big cruise ship.
This was one beautiful week from my last summer holidays.


Freitag, 13. September 2013

Hi everybody!

My name is Jakob and I am very much looking forward to blogging I am 15 years old and I live in Schwertberg (Austria) with my parents and my younger sister in a big house.
My hobbies are Skateboarding and Snowboarding.
