Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013

Hi everybody!

Today a nice girl came to our school and told us some information about her life, the university which she visits and so on.
Her name was Elise and she came from Basingstoke, a town which is about 30 minutes away from London. Elise came to Austria because she visits the Oxford University, she is in the third year of studies, and the students have to stay a few months in another country.
For examples what she told, that students which visit the Oxford University they have to pay 10.000 pounds, I think 10.000 pounds are really, really, really a lot of money. So many students have to take out loan, but the government do not give them money until they have a job.
And Elise told us before you pass the final exam you are an “undergraduate”, and then when you pass the last exam you get “bombed” with food like meat, fish, eggs or baked beans. I thought that must be an awful thing, but she said that’s traditional.

That’s some things which Elise told us. And today this was a really interesting and funny English lesson.


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