Donnerstag, 21. April 2016

Public health care

Hello everybody!
Let me tell you what I think about public helath care.

Public health care

Austria has public health care, meaning that essential health services are paid by the government. What services are regarded as ‘essential’ is always being debated. It is not always clear if a surgical procedure is really needed and should be paid by the government. My first example, which I will give you is a tattoo which the patient says is causing him mental distress. I think such a tattoo can be really a heartache, but I’m against payment by the government, if it hasn’t to be removed immediately because of health reasons. If you decide yourself for a tattoo you have to be aware of the consequences, especially when you don’t like it anymore. Let me give you another example, which is a breast reduction on a 13-year-old who is being teased in school because of her breast size. In this case I think a breast reduction should be paid by the government, because this girl isn’t able to do something against it. This is also true for, cosmetic surgery on an actor’s large nose, which she claims is haring her career. It’s not her fault. She earns her life as an actress and if she won’t get a nose surgery, her job would be affected. In my opinion the government should also pay for this surgical procedure.

What do you think about this topic? Please let me know what you think about it.


3 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Jakob,

    I think you are a very adult for your age. So I agree with your opinion. Your mindset is very cool and sophisticated.

    See you later alligator

  2. Hi Jakob,

    I completely agree with your statement "If you decide yourself for a tattoo you have to be aware of the consequences". It is so true and the government has other problems than people who regret their tattoo!

    See you soon

  3. Hi Jakob,

    I cannot agree with your opinion about an actor's large nose. I think it concerns a cosmetic operation and the government should not pay for it.
