Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016

The new unicorn

Hello everybody!

Today I’d like to tell you about a tourism attraction in my home town.

Twelve years ago a school in Perg designed a Unicorn that represented the coat of arms of Perg. The years passed by and the unicorn began to rot and had to be removed for safety reasons. It was unclear if Perg will ever get a new one.

“Perger Tips” published an online-article about the unicorn and the artist Sasha Exenberger from Styria became attentive on it. Sasha Extenberger already created some animal sculptures and decided to design a new unicorn for Perg, one that should have more resemblance with the coat of arms and let it shine in a new lustre.

5th of August the new unicorn was put up and celebrated with the 17. Vinum on the next day. Since that day the unicorn can again be admired in the middle of Perg.

What do you think about the new unicorn? Please write your personally thoughts in the comments!


COAT OF ARMS                



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