Sonntag, 27. November 2016

Businesses allowing remote work

Hello everybody!

I was studying graph and it was talking about businesses allowing remote work.

I thought you might be interested because maybe you also work from home.

On the x-axis you can see the number of people employed by a company. On the vertical axis you can read the percent of companies which allowing remote work.

Basically what the bar chart says is, that the smaller a company is, the less likely it is that employees are allowed to work from home. On the average 62 percent of the companies allow remote work. The numbers increasing steadily from companies with 0 employees to companies with up to 2500 employees. The number remains stable regarding companies with more than 500 employees.

What do you think about this bar chart? Please write your personally thoughts in the comments.
Hope you like my new blog entry and enjoy your week.



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